The Feather of Ma’at [ Justice + Truth + Cosmic Balance ]
“White Feather of Truth. Ancient Egypt” Ma’at (pronounced may-et) is the ancient Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, harmony, and balance, Old Kingdom (c. 2613 – 2181 BCE).
The Feather of Ma’at [ Justice + Truth + Cosmic Balance ]
“White Feather of Truth. Ancient Egypt” Ma’at (pronounced may-et) is the ancient Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, harmony, and balance, Old Kingdom (c. 2613 – 2181 BCE). Ma’at is considered an ideology and not just a goddess, one worshipped her by living a life in accordance with the highest principles of morality and order. The feather of Ma’at was an integral part of weighing the heart of the deceased against the scales of justice in the afterlife.