Rapatriements non justifiés et mauvais traitements infligés aux migrants: le Maroc et l’Algérie épinglés.

L’Europe, face à l’afflux quasi quotidien des migrants d’origine africaine sur son sol, met en œuvre des politiques drastiques pour faire face à cette situation. On constate avec regret une montée des extrêmes, qui prônent des solutions radicales, notamment les…

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Joining Forces, Sharing Power: Civil Society Collaborations for the Future

Without the support of external funding, the life expectancy of many – if not most – organizations is dramatically low. To avoid these near-choking levels of dependency, CSOs are developing creative strategies to be more self-reliant. Increasingly, we are working together with actors that are more grounded in the communities they serve rather than with traditional governments and multilateral institutions and devising collaborative methods that differ significantly from donor-recipient constructions. 

The Executive Council of the African Union moves towards dismantling the main body tasked with the protection of human rights in Africa

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. The signatories of this statement are deeply concerned about the recent attacks on the independence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and the dire implication this has for human rights on the continent….

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