Our Mission and Vision
The Movement envisions that Africa-wide activism, solidarity and unity of purpose of the Peoples of Africa will build the future they want – a right to justice, peace, dignity and shared prosperity.
To work with, build, strengthen, support and leverage Pan-African peoples’ movement either local, national or regional, grassroots struggles and movements by engendering decentralised agencies with a ‘centrally’ enabled network for unity, justice, peace, dignity and shared prosperity in Africa. This network is accountable to the constituencies and will have the highest standards of ethical behaviour.
The overall vision of the movement is encapsulated in the vision document, the Kilimanjaro Declaration, which was adopted at the founding of the movement and revised by members at the All-African Movements Assembly
KD 2.0
Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0
Members adopted a revised version of the Kilimanjaro Declaration on the last day after many deliberations.
During the regional convenings, members were asked to share opinions on what should be changed, removed or added to the Kilimanjaro Declaration. Or if it should remain the same. The perspectives from members were collated and shared with the Kilimanjaro Declaration review team who worked to revise the Kilimanjaro Declaration in line with aspirations of the members after 5 years of Africans Rising existence. The revised document was then presented to the whole Assembly on 31 August, 2022 for input and adoption. It was unanimously adopted as revised, thus making the Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0 the new vision document of the movement.

The Kilimanjaro Declaration 2.0
We, the citizens and descendants of Africa, as part of the Africans Rising Movement, are outraged by the centuries of oppression; we condemn the plunder of our natural and mineral resources and the suppression of our fundamental human rights. We are determined to foster an Africa-wide solidarity and unity of purpose of the Peoples of Africa to build the Future we want – a right to peace, social inclusion and shared prosperity.